ELAN NBE Resources
Educator Responsibilities
The lesson plans included here are the work of ELAN educators in consultation with several teams of Indigenous reviewers over a number of years. The lessons were developed with an NBE3C audience in mind, but can also be adapted for other course designations. They represent our best thinking at this time with regards to supporting the NBE curriculum in a responsible way.
However, this learning is never static. As our collective thinking and learning evolves over time, so too should educators’ professional judgement about best practices. Please use professional judgement. Educators are encouraged to consult with their board’s Indigenous Education Lead and/or with FNMIEAO when in doubt about specific resources, best practices, and preventing harm. Fundamental documents such as the TRC’s Calls to Action, the UNDRIP, and the Ontario Human Rights Commission must be upheld.
As a provincial subject association, ELAN was fortunate to collaborate with FNMIEAO in order to create a set of Pedagogical Guidelines for Teaching Indigenous Literatures. Please take some time to read these guidelines as part of your ongoing professional discernment. The thinking outlined in this document is embedded in the lesson plans included. These lessons are intended as starting points in your own work to develop meaningful and responsible lessons when teaching Indigenous literatures.
Appreciating the Power of a Platform
Why are social media powerful platforms for Indigenous writers, social media influencers, and their audiences?
Lesson PlanEncountering Indigenous Storytelling through
Graphic Novels
How does using a graphic novel appeal to a broader audience and help to tell a full story?
Lesson PlanExploring Idle No More
Learn about the history and evolution of the Idle No More movement, the value and importance of social protest in a democracy as well as land and water protection.
Lesson PlanHearing Indigenous Voices through Poetry
Create inquiry questions to help us interact with texts by Indigenous poets and learn about how language and imagery create meaning.
Lesson PlanInterrogating Media Bias to Understand Identity
Reflect on bias in the media and explain how it can marginalize communities of people that face collective challenges to participating fully in society.
Lesson PlanInvestigating through Indigenous News Media
Describe how media ownership and representation influence how stories about
how stories about First Nation, Métis, and Inuit peoples are told.
Learning from the Storykeepers Podcast
How do contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit story keepers use literature to shape and influence identities for themselves, their communities, and beyond?
Lesson PlanMyth Busting with
Non-Fiction Texts
How does someone challenge inaccuracies and assert their truth? How are colonial myths about First Nations, Métis and Inuit being dismantled?
Lesson PlanUnderstanding Documentary Film as a Form of Resistance
How are First Nations, Métis and Inuit documentary filmmakers fighting back against cultural prejudice and systemic oppression?
Lesson PlanInvestigating through Indigenous News Media Learning from the Storykeepers Podcast Myth Busting with Non-Fiction Texts Appreciating the Power of a Platform Encountering Indigenous Storytelling through Graphic Novels Exploring Idle No More Hearing Indigenous Voices through Poetry Interrogating Media Bias